Are You the Son of a Toxic Mother or Know Someone Who Is?
Have You Experienced Trauma at Any Time in Your Life?
Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level I Certificate
NFTC is working more effectively with survivors of abuse through the utilization of trauma-focused therapy, known as “STORY WORK.” Whether one-on-one, in group sessions or retreats, learning to read and write your own trauma stories from the past helps you to heal in the present!
Toxic Mothers: A Son’s Guide to Healing and Moving On
Toxic Mothers: A Son’s Guide to Healing and Moving OnThis book is a supportive, systematic approach to helping men examine their life and begin an intentional journey toward healing from the collateral damage of being the son of a toxic mother. It’s a true starting place for men to heal.
Welcome to the Pathway for Healing and Moving On

“Guy is intentional in his desire for men to have a safe space to be themselves.”
— W.Y.R., MD
Guy’s retreats provide a safe, supportive environment for breakthrough healing. Since healing happens best in the context of relationships, these retreats are not necessarily exclusively for men with toxic mothers or who’ve suffered abuse, but they are powerfully healing and freeing events all the same.
Looking for a mentor to help you through the healing process? Have you healed, moved on and want to mentor someone? Be part of the solution with this mentoring program. With it, you may choose to do Story Work, work on healing from a toxic mother or whatever you need.
Support Groups
It is important to know that you are not alone in dealing with abuse or the effects of a toxic mother. Join an online support group and connect with others.
Meet Guy
From a strong history as a University academic to coaching to leading men’s retreats, Guy experienced firsthand how to realize his dreams, in spite of the tragedy and pain he has overcome in his mother’s toxic world. Remarkably candid, Guy shares his journey and resultant dedication to helping others live their dreams regardless of childhood toxicity.
Toxic Mother Assessment
Are you or someone you love the son of a toxic mother?
Have your mother’s toxic behaviors negatively affected your life?
Download this free assessment to find out.